3 Commitments for Team Transformation

3 commitment for team transformation
Contact Amy now to find out more: Amy@AmyKlous.com

An experiential team workshop for your team to learn the top three commitments for team transformation.

Drama in a team is natural, normal, and optional. All drama is caused by unaligned commitments and unclear and unkept agreements. These commitments help to shift into a “by me” mindset, a way of viewing the world and what happens with personal responsibility, instead of through a lens of victimhood or “to me.”

We will explore…

  • Choosing personal responsibility, instead of blaming and criticizing.
  • Seeing every opportunity as something to be curious about and learn, instead of always needing to be right.
  • Learn to feel our feelings, instead of repressing and reacting.

This workshop is a fantastic intro to the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership for a team. For a deep dive into the commitments, we explore ways to understand the reactive roles members of a team can take on that negatively impact the team culture. In working with a team, helping them understand the drama triangle and the role they play, and then aligning on committing to their part in “above the line” behavior in the team and 15 Commitments to the team for conscious leadership.

Using the 15 Commitments in a team can bring about positive change and resolution. The Commitments are a gateway into a life of “by me”, free of victimhood.

What I love about the Commitments is not only does the working team benefit, but it’s also personal development by doing the work it takes to honor the commitments.

Team Transformation through the Top 3 Commitments:

This workshop can be experienced in-person or virtually…

  • A speech for your industry or association group
  • Brown bag lunch for your organization
  • Half-day workshop

Contact Amy at Amy@AmyKlous.com to discuss what is the right fit for your group.

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