Last year I completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training focused on a therapeutic form of yoga called SomaYoga. It’s a great complement coaching for helping aid the client in sensing and feeling what is coming up in their bodies and getting out of their heads. Our bodies are also a place where we manifest trauma, emotions, pains, and disconnect body and mind. SomaYoga helps us get us back into our bodies to free us.
SomaYoga can be used in coaching and professional development work in helping to reconnect mind and body and learning to tune in to what our bodies are telling us. Integral Coaching along with SomaYoga will help you not only feel better in your body but also give you ways to work with your body to reduce stress and embody more confidence. For groups and organizations I have a yoga class for cultivating Embodied Confidence.
Some ways that SomaYoga is used in my Integral Coaching work is to offer you ways to work through:
Getting more in-tune with our bodies and emotions
Freeing pain (physical and emotional)
The way you carry yourself to embody a more confident stance leading to more self confidence
How others perceive you
Developing new competencies in your body
Recognizing the power you already possess
Reducing stress through breath and working with your triggers to reduce reactionary responses
Changing your mood
Improving self image
Improving the ways you use your body during the day
Aches and pains caused by sitting at your desk, in meetings, and in your car
and oh so much more!
Power Pose Practice
The way we sit, stand and take up space affects the way we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. There are many studies on this and Amy Cuddy had a great Ted Talk on her research about this topic.
Going into an interview, meeting, or stressful situation? Before you go in, maybe in the bathroom stall (if you don’t want anyone to see you), for two minutes stand in a way that you take up space and open your body. Channel your inner Wonder Woman!
I hope you enjoyed my post and reading about how SomaYoga can enhance how you feel in your body and mind. Integrating mind/body practices into coaching helps you become more self-generating and aware for long-term growth.