Actively reading with a pen by taking notes and highlighting helps your processing of the information and memory.
Another way to integrate what you’re reading is to join a book club or a read with a friend or group to review what you’ve read.
When reading a book for personal development, read with curiosity – ask yourself how might this be useful in your personal development?
Try out the ideas and practices offered in the book and see if it is helpful for you.
A few of my favorites that I share with my clients are:
A Soul Without Shame, Byron Brown.
The Wisdom of the Enneagram, Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni.
Humble Inquiry, Edgar Henry Schein.
The Road Back to You, Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile.
Falling Upward, Richard Rohr.
The Art of Letting Go, Richard Rohr.
The Untethered Soul, Michael A Singer.
Dare to Lead, Brené Brown.
A sampling of some favorites of my clients:
High Five Habit, Mel Robbins.
Atomic Habits, James Clear.
Daring Greatly, Brené Brown.
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel.
Ruiz You are a Badass, Jen Sincero.
You Can Heal your Life, Louise Hay.
The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle.
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie.
Tell us some of your favorite self-development or leadership books!